We have all loved the celebration of Dia De Los Muertos and now we can celebrate with our beloved animals. The celebration takes place on November 1st and November 2nd. And today I introduce to you my collection of Dia De Los Muertos Gatos a unique design made with love and with the intentions to give those who celebrate this holiday with their animals. I also help a cause by assisting with helping the ASPCA. I will donate a percentage of the profits to them to help save animals.
Dia de los Muertos originated centuries ago in Mexico, where it is still widely celebrated to this day. The holiday is a blend of pre-Hispanic indigenous beliefs and Spanish Catholic beliefs as well.
Dia de los Muertos is celebrated throughout Mexico. Many other countries around the world celebrate similar versions of Day of the Dead as well. These celebrations occur in various countries in Europe and Asia as well as Central and South America, where they celebrate the holiday to their own local customs.

Franky The Pitbull Item# 420-FP

Franky The Pitbull Item# 420-FP